Friday, February 18, 2011

COMMUNITY2COMMUNITY has officially raised $35,000 towards our project goals!

A special THANK YOU to all our donors and supporters! Your efforts are greatly appreciated!!!!!!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

New Events !!

 Join Build Found & Community2Community on March 18, 2011 as we come together at the Center for Architecture. For further details click on the EVENTS page..

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

C2C Question of the Day:

C2C Question of the Day: If you could make 3 wishes, to inject change in Haiti, or any other community what would your 3 wishes be?

Leave a comment below, with your response:

2011 Program & Reception in Honor of Haitian Independance.. See more pictures from this event in our 'Pictures' tab..

Community2Community is proud to have been in attendance, at last night event. As always it is an honor to be in the presence of forward-thinking people who hope for a better Haiti! Check out photos from the event in our 'PICTURES' section.