Thursday, April 28, 2011

On the ground: Prayer for Rain.. ANSWERED PRAYER!!!

"YES!!!!!!!!! We got a torrential downpour last night! talk about answered prayer....thanks everybody!"

- Marie Eusebe
Founder & Fire Starter

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

On the ground: Prayer for Rain..

"Water...Ayati's been w/out rain for almost 7months. On our way up the mountain to dig a well. The folks in TiGwav need water from the ground or the sky...pray for it to come please :) Thank you!"

-- Marie Eusebe
C2C Founder & Firestarter

On the ground: Journal Entry from Marie Eusebe "Reflection"

" Bonswa!!! Week 3 en Petit Goave, Ayiti and loving it! Work hard all day, eat great food and sleep solid. Wake up in 75 degrees of sunshine and do it all over again...thank You God for giving me this wonderful life :)"

-- Marie Eusebe
C2C Founder & Firestarter

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

On the ground: Journal Entry from Marie Eusebe

Hi Everybody!

I'm live from the cyber cafe en Petit Goave, Ayiti.  The weather here is beautiful today (like it was yesterday, and the day before!)

So, C2C hit the ground running. 

This morning Myles and Charlie went to Piton Vallue to take the 5hr walk the around the perimeter to confirm their drawings and plans!  A good day all around.

Hope all is well in NYC.  Thank you all for holding down the fort.  I'll try and get back to the cyber cafe later this week.

peace&love&thanks :)

Bonswa mes amis!

C2C On the Ground in Petit Goave-- Take a look...

C2C &PV Community Mtg ie Water System

C2C Teams Debrief Meeting w/Mayor of PG

C2C Teams Debrief Meeting w/Mayor of PG