The goal of the C2CHaïti's Restoration and Transformation Pilot Project is to mobilize intellectual, financial, and material resources toward the purpose of restoring, rebuilding, revitalizing and reinvesting in communities in order to obtain and maintain self-sufficiency.

Building self-sufficient communities by working with the community

Piton Vallue, a village of Petite Goâve, Haïti, will be the first community where C2C and its collaborative partners will implement the Haïti Restoration and Transformation Pilot Project. The estimated completion time, fully funded, is approximately two years. The people of Piton Vallue have already begun to work with very limited resources and no support.

C2C is partnering with the people of Piton Vallue, Haïti to:

  • Repair the reservoir damaged by the earthquake to create a water distribution center to provide clean water for the entire village
  • Restore the main road to support safe and stable transportation of people, goods and services to increase business development, commerce and trading
  • Rebuild the school to provide quality education to over 400 children
  • Reforest the mountainside for sustainable agriculture and farming
However, there is still much to be done. With critical support from C2C, these projects can come to fruition and Haïti can continue on the road to self-sufficiency. This pilot endeavor will not only provide health, employment and education to the people of Piton Vallue, but will inspire and give hope to their neighbors as we look to replicate the project country-wide.

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